For securing identities we have the Modiam concept. Modiam stands for Modular IAM. It provides a cloud based solution for all components displayed in the picture below:

Click on the orange or blue main topics on the left for further explanation.
We use a standardised data model throughout, which enables us to maintain an overview of what identity information is exchanged within the IAM components and between IAM and the client’s applications.
We also use prefabricated application couplings that enable a very fast technical implementation. This also applies to changes at a later time.

Because we use this approach with every customer, supporting or managing our IAM implementations can be done by any of our IAM specialists and you will always be helped quickly.
The IAM components do not necessarily have to come from one supplier. We use the software of several market leaders for IAM as a basis for our services: Micro Focus and SailPoint. We are happy to help you make the right choices.
See also our page on Modiam and Zero Trust and our vision on security.